- Paul "Sparky" Adams
- Ralph P. Adams
- W. David Adams
- Mike Albert
- Don Alexander
- Todd Alexander
- Terry L. Allerton
- Cheryl A. Altizer
- Mark Anders
- Roger Andrachik
- Dan Andrews
- Richard L. Armstrong
- Hugh "Hoy" Arnold
- George Asadorian
- Kevin Atkins
- Keith Aufmuth
- Willie Avery
- Amanda Avram
- Jennifer Fish Baker
- Robert J. Balogh
- Steve Bankson
- Jamie Baringer
- Peter S. Barno
- Dr. Lou Barone
- Anjee Beard Beaston
- Dr. Obie Bender
- Ralph Benedict
- Ann C. Benson
- Wayne J. Bilinovic
- Doris Zabriskie Billings
- Mike Blackburn
- Stacy Ehrenbeit Blair
- Michael R. Blake
- Keith Boedicker
- Kert Boedicker
- Dr. Frank Bohn
- Alfred B. Bonds Jr.
- Debra Majka Bonezzi
- Kevin Braaten
- Charles Brady
- Craig S. Braithwaite
- Willis Brown
- Tim Budic
- Joseph M. Carlo
- Robert C. Cawrse
- E. Donald Chadwick
- Amy Chadwick Manco
- William Childress
- Kim Chinn
- Tony Cipollone
- Jim Clardy
- Emily Clark
- Lori Andro Clark
- Thomas Clevidence
- David A. Coad
- Karen Palmer Cochran
- A.W. Collins Jr.
- Shawn Conley Bottcher
- Larry S. Coy
- Jody Crawford Griech
- Debbie Crider
- Clint Cuny
- Dr. James Currens
- Lance W. Currens
- Joe Dallas
- William B. Davidson
- Tori Davis
- Tanya Davis Konyesni
- Joseph De Mando
- Claire DeChant
- Eugene J. "Sonny" Degyansky
- Sylvester Del Corso
- Daniel Delfino
- Georgia Delis Hook
- Les DeLong
- Dave Demmerle
- Harrison Dillard
- Stephanie Fleming Dolejs
- Martha Dora
- David D. Dourm
- Randy Edwards
- Jim Eibel
- Paul Ernst
- Almeida Brownlee Evans
- Carole Filsinger Ratcliffe
- George D. Finnie
- Edward L. Finnigan
- Dr. Bob Fisher
- Rich Fleming
- Pamela Floyd Macer
- Richard Focht
- 1978 Football
- Peggy S. Fortune-Yetman
- Robert Foster
- Tom Fowler
- Marcia Belser French
- Kim Smith Gallagher
- Ray Gedeon
- Charles W. Geiss
- Joe George
- Patrick George
- Arthur Goldsmith
- Sara Gombash Lampe
- Tom Goosby
- Sarah Gordon Baker
- Thomas Graham
- Peggy Grandinetti
- Mike Graven
- Jennifer Green
- John R. Gregory
- John Groff
- Tara Gruskiewicz Kieser
- Theodore Gurney
- Clarence R. "Bud" Haerr
- Mary Haffner
- Warren Hamula
- Doug Haubert
- Wynn Hawkins
- Steve Hays
- Everett Heard
- Norbert Hecker
- Robert R. Hecker
- Brandon Hedges
- Annie Heidersbach
- Robert H. Heinmiller
- Rae Heisner-Alexander
- Geoff Hemlinger
- Dale Herbert
- John Herbert
- Kevin S. Higgins
- Kelsey Hills-Finucan
- Ann Hisrich Grezenbach
- Willis N. Holcombe II
- Larry Hoon
- Harvey Hopson Jr.
- Dean Horger
- Sharon B. Hosko
- Dr. Marjorie Hower
- Jack Hribar
- Michael G. Hritz, M.D.
- Donald Hull
- Barbara A. Hunter
- Craig Immel
- Andrea Isaac Zak
- Luke Izer
- Julie Jenks Lefelhoc
- Ted Johnson
- Julie A. Jones
- Angie Camp Kalizewski
- Kenn Kaminski
- Karol Kaminski Coundourides
- Curt Karpinski
- Gunther Katzmar
- Kelly Keenan
- Colleen Kerg Price
- George Key
- Matthew Cody Kidd
- Jodi Klauminzer
- Bryan Kmetz
- Janet Knoll Lano
- Holly Koepp
- Dale Koler
- Brian Kosar
- John H. Koz
- Hollie Kozak
- William Krause
- Tonia Kwiatkowski
- William Lacey
- Shannon Lakatosh Chung
- Frank Larimer
- Dan Larlham
- Laura Leach Lesniewski
- Dr. Robert Lechner
- Jimmy Leffler
- Michelle Lenhardt Hartley
- Joanne Lent Kovacs
- Henry Lewis
- Bill Linder
- Paul Lisse
- William J. Lohr
- Tina Lokar Jicha
- Christine Loos King
- Phil Lopez
- Nicole Loudin
- Robert Love
- Richard Lowry
- Matt Luck
- Kim Luthman
- Chris Lytle
- Joe Mackey
- James L. Magazine
- Thomas Maher
- Otto Mahler
- Dr. Neal Malicky
- Dean S. Martin
- Margaret Bade Mason
- Wade Massad
- Mark Massey
- Tim McCaig
- Shawn McCormick
- Derek E. McKinley
- Laura Mench D'Amato
- Thomas Mental
- John "Jack" Mental, Jr.
- Rochele Meyer Miller
- Robert L. Mihuta
- Brian Miller
- Dave Miller
- Richard Miller
- Larry Mills
- Sonya Ming Bianco
- Donald Mohr
- Brian D. Moore
- John A. Moore
- Robert M. Morningstar
- George Morris Sr.
- John Mucklo
- Tabitha Murray
- Jennifer Nance Williams
- Michelle Neff
- Dr. Estus Newberry
- William "Max" Newill
- Dan Newman
- Kathy Newton
- Bill Nichols
- Joel Nichols
- Glenda Nix
- Kenneth K. Noble
- Edward L. Noll
- Amanda Opperman McClain
- Bob Packard
- Cassie Palmer Fox
- Michael P. Papouras
- Charles W. Paschke
- Greg Patrick
- Jeff Petersmeyer
- Nikki Altenweg Peterson
- Paul C. Petrella
- Thomas G. Phillips
- Kevin Phipps
- Julie Pinter
- Regan Pore
- Ward F. Powell
- Kenneth Preseren
- Peter A. Primeau
- Ernest S. Prince
- Hannah Purdy Budic
- Robert Quackenbush, Jr.
- Louis E. Ralston
- Kelly L. Reblin
- Brian Rector
- Jodi Reimer
- Richard E. Retherford
- Christian Riemenschneider
- Dirk Riemenschneider
- George A. Riley
- Jerry T. Roberts
- Kristenne M. Robison
- Angelo Rodriguez
- James Rodriguez
- Mark Rodriguez
- Robert Rodriguez
- Louie Rolko
- Frank Roppolo
- Larry Rosati
- Wilbur L. Ross
- Len Roth
- Dave Rozzo
- Brian Rudloff
- Gino Russo
- Jeff Rutherford
- Harry "Ray" Salsgiver
- Barclay Sanders
- Fred Saylor
- Bob Scelza
- Jeff Schenk
- Richard M. Schenk
- Norman N. Schoen
- Thomas B. Scholato
- Virginia Schramm-Fraser
- Gerald L. Schrock
- Amanda Schroeder-Crego
- Erika Schultz Greenberg
- Walter N. Schwegler
- Richard Guy Scott
- Roy E. Seitz
- Richard E. Selgo
- Richard Senko
- Pat Shannon
- Vern Sharbaugh
- Linda Short
- Kristen Showalter McCloskey
- Clyde A. Simpson
- Timothy J. Skoczen
- D. Ray Slaybaugh
- Jill Smith
- William "Pete" Smith
- William J. Snyder
- Kevin Soflkiancs
- Ryan Sooy
- Harold A. Speckman
- Gordon A. Splete
- Karen "Connie" Miller Stanek
- Virginia Stauffer Ogilvy
- James M. Stefanik
- Gary A. Stelter
- Myrta Stover
- Kim Stuart Kaminski
- Jerry Suess
- John M. Summa
- Mark Summers
- Joe Surniak
- Jennifer Swinehart Badertscher
- Dr. Bill Taraschke
- Lee Templeton
- John Terakedis
- Jessica Textoris
- Ted J. Theodore
- Gregory E. Thomas
- Dr. Carol Thompson
- Mary Thorton Monzingo
- Jim Tillotson
- Sandra Tom Cibulskas
- Alan D. Tonks
- Dave Tressel
- Dick Tressel
- Dr. Lee Tressel
- Eloise Schaefer Tressel
- Jim Tressel
- Mike Turchan
- James Tyree
- Richard Van Almen
- Larry K. Van Dusen
- Art Van Rensselaer
- Carlin Vandendriessche
- Steve Varga
- Joe Velky
- Marcia E. Vogley
- Jill Volgstadt Gallagher
- Mona Wade Carlo
- Ingrid Wagner
- Larsen Wagner
- Mac Walker
- Robert C. Walters
- George Wanner
- Karen Ward Rolland
- Ray E. Watts
- Wade H. Watts
- Jeff C. Welcsh
- Gay Wellington Geigel
- Harry Weltman
- James Westbrook
- Donna Wheeler
- Michelle White-Sheppard
- Dr. Arthur V. Wilker
- Mark William Tinney
- Jacqueline Willis Bell
- Jennifer Willis Davis
- Gwendolyn Willis Miller
- Lisa Winans
- Dr. Clarence J. Wing
- Natalie Winkelfoos
- Les Wojciechowski
- Julie Work
- Joan Worth Davidson
- Howard A. Wright
- Justine Wuagh Tinline
- Dr. John Yezerski
- Erik Young
- Rev. Oran Zaebst

Jason Schefft
- Class Year:
- 2002
- Induction Year:
- 2017
- Sport(s):
- Basketball
JASON SCHEFFT ’02 is one of the best men’s basketball student-athletes to ever step on the Ursprung Gymnasium floor.
A four-year starter and letterman and the 2002 Kenneth Steingass Most Outstanding Male Athlete at BW, Jason was a two-year team captain and the first-ever Yellow Jacket men’s basketball player to earn All-OAC honors for four straight years.
Jasonn also was a two-time NABC (National Association of Basketball Coaches) All-Great Lakes Region pick, a three-time first-team Academic All-OAC selection (unanimous as a senior) and a three-time CoSIDA-Verizon Academic All-District IV choice. He additionally was named to five All-Tournament teams during his career and was a two-time OAC Men’s Basketball Player of the Week.
Jason played in 106 career games and currently stands ninth on the all-time scoring list with 1,559 points. He also had 453 rebounds, 309 assists, 212 three-pointers and 108 steals. He shot 85.2% from the foul line for his career (333 of 391).
In the classroom, Jason carried a 3.5 grade point average and was a Dean’s List student. He also served as a member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.
Today, Jason resides in Chicago and serves as an Account Executive for Burlington Medical Supplies.