- Paul "Sparky" Adams
- Ralph P. Adams
- W. David Adams
- Mike Albert
- Don Alexander
- Todd Alexander
- Terry L. Allerton
- Cheryl A. Altizer
- Mark Anders
- Roger Andrachik
- Dan Andrews
- Richard L. Armstrong
- Hugh "Hoy" Arnold
- George Asadorian
- Kevin Atkins
- Keith Aufmuth
- Willie Avery
- Amanda Avram
- Jennifer Fish Baker
- Robert J. Balogh
- Steve Bankson
- Jamie Baringer
- Peter S. Barno
- Dr. Lou Barone
- Anjee Beard Beaston
- Dr. Obie Bender
- Ralph Benedict
- Ann C. Benson
- Wayne J. Bilinovic
- Doris Zabriskie Billings
- Mike Blackburn
- Stacy Ehrenbeit Blair
- Michael R. Blake
- Keith Boedicker
- Kert Boedicker
- Dr. Frank Bohn
- Alfred B. Bonds Jr.
- Debra Majka Bonezzi
- Kevin Braaten
- Charles Brady
- Craig S. Braithwaite
- Willis Brown
- Tim Budic
- Joseph M. Carlo
- Robert C. Cawrse
- E. Donald Chadwick
- Amy Chadwick Manco
- William Childress
- Kim Chinn
- Tony Cipollone
- Jim Clardy
- Emily Clark
- Lori Andro Clark
- Thomas Clevidence
- David A. Coad
- Karen Palmer Cochran
- A.W. Collins Jr.
- Shawn Conley Bottcher
- Larry S. Coy
- Jody Crawford Griech
- Debbie Crider
- Clint Cuny
- Lance W. Currens
- Joe Dallas
- William B. Davidson
- Tori Davis
- Tanya Davis Konyesni
- Joseph De Mando
- Claire DeChant
- Eugene J. "Sonny" Degyansky
- Sylvester Del Corso
- Daniel Delfino
- Georgia Delis Hook
- Les DeLong
- Dave Demmerle
- Harrison Dillard
- Stephanie Fleming Dolejs
- Martha Dora
- David D. Dourm
- Randy Edwards
- Jim Eibel
- Paul Ernst
- Almeida Brownlee Evans
- Carole Filsinger Ratcliffe
- George D. Finnie
- Edward L. Finnigan
- Dr. Bob Fisher
- Rich Fleming
- Pamela Floyd Macer
- Richard Focht
- 1978 Football
- Peggy S. Fortune-Yetman
- Robert Foster
- Tom Fowler
- Marcia Belser French
- Kim Smith Gallagher
- Ray Gedeon
- Charles W. Geiss
- Joe George
- Patrick George
- Arthur Goldsmith
- Sara Gombash Lampe
- Tom Goosby
- Sarah Gordon Baker
- Thomas Graham
- Peggy Grandinetti
- Mike Graven
- Jennifer Green
- John R. Gregory
- John Groff
- Tara Gruskiewicz Kieser
- Theodore Gurney
- Clarence R. "Bud" Haerr
- Mary Haffner
- Warren Hamula
- Doug Haubert
- Wynn Hawkins
- Steve Hays
- Everett Heard
- Norbert Hecker
- Robert R. Hecker
- Brandon Hedges
- Annie Heidersbach
- Robert H. Heinmiller
- Rae Heisner-Alexander
- Geoff Hemlinger
- Dale Herbert
- John Herbert
- Kevin S. Higgins
- Kelsey Hills-Finucan
- Ann Hisrich Grezenbach
- Willis N. Holcombe II
- Larry Hoon
- Harvey Hopson Jr.
- Dean Horger
- Sharon B. Hosko
- Dr. Marjorie Hower
- Jack Hribar
- Michael G. Hritz, M.D.
- Donald Hull
- Barbara A. Hunter
- Craig Immel
- Andrea Isaac Zak
- Luke Izer
- Julie Jenks Lefelhoc
- Ted Johnson
- Julie A. Jones
- Angie Camp Kalizewski
- Kenn Kaminski
- Karol Kaminski Coundourides
- Curt Karpinski
- Gunther Katzmar
- Kelly Keenan
- Colleen Kerg Price
- George Key
- Matthew Cody Kidd
- Jodi Klauminzer
- Bryan Kmetz
- Janet Knoll Lano
- Holly Koepp
- Dale Koler
- Brian Kosar
- John H. Koz
- Hollie Kozak
- William Krause
- Tonia Kwiatkowski
- William Lacey
- Shannon Lakatosh Chung
- Frank Larimer
- Dan Larlham
- Laura Leach Lesniewski
- Dr. Robert Lechner
- Jimmy Leffler
- Michelle Lenhardt Hartley
- Joanne Lent Kovacs
- Henry Lewis
- Bill Linder
- Paul Lisse
- William J. Lohr
- Tina Lokar Jicha
- Christine Loos King
- Phil Lopez
- Nicole Loudin
- Robert Love
- Richard Lowry
- Matt Luck
- Kim Luthman
- Chris Lytle
- Joe Mackey
- James L. Magazine
- Thomas Maher
- Otto Mahler
- Dr. Neal Malicky
- Dean S. Martin
- Margaret Bade Mason
- Wade Massad
- Mark Massey
- Tim McCaig
- Shawn McCormick
- Derek E. McKinley
- Laura Mench D'Amato
- Thomas Mental
- John "Jack" Mental, Jr.
- Rochele Meyer Miller
- Robert L. Mihuta
- Brian Miller
- Dave Miller
- Richard Miller
- Larry Mills
- Sonya Ming Bianco
- Donald Mohr
- Brian D. Moore
- John A. Moore
- Robert M. Morningstar
- George Morris Sr.
- John Mucklo
- Tabitha Murray
- Jennifer Nance Williams
- Michelle Neff
- Dr. Estus Newberry
- William "Max" Newill
- Dan Newman
- Kathy Newton
- Bill Nichols
- Joel Nichols
- Glenda Nix
- Kenneth K. Noble
- Edward L. Noll
- Amanda Opperman McClain
- Bob Packard
- Cassie Palmer Fox
- Michael P. Papouras
- Charles W. Paschke
- Greg Patrick
- Jeff Petersmeyer
- Nikki Altenweg Peterson
- Paul C. Petrella
- Thomas G. Phillips
- Kevin Phipps
- Julie Pinter
- Regan Pore
- Ward F. Powell
- Kenneth Preseren
- Peter A. Primeau
- Ernest S. Prince
- Hannah Purdy Budic
- Robert Quackenbush, Jr.
- Louis E. Ralston
- Kelly L. Reblin
- Brian Rector
- Jodi Reimer
- Richard E. Retherford
- Christian Riemenschneider
- Dirk Riemenschneider
- George A. Riley
- Jerry T. Roberts
- Kristenne M. Robison
- Angelo Rodriguez
- James Rodriguez
- Mark Rodriguez
- Robert Rodriguez
- Louie Rolko
- Frank Roppolo
- Larry Rosati
- Wilbur L. Ross
- Len Roth
- Dave Rozzo
- Brian Rudloff
- Gino Russo
- Jeff Rutherford
- Harry "Ray" Salsgiver
- Barclay Sanders
- Fred Saylor
- Bob Scelza
- Jason Schefft
- Jeff Schenk
- Richard M. Schenk
- Norman N. Schoen
- Thomas B. Scholato
- Virginia Schramm-Fraser
- Gerald L. Schrock
- Amanda Schroeder-Crego
- Erika Schultz Greenberg
- Walter N. Schwegler
- Richard Guy Scott
- Roy E. Seitz
- Richard E. Selgo
- Richard Senko
- Pat Shannon
- Vern Sharbaugh
- Linda Short
- Kristen Showalter McCloskey
- Clyde A. Simpson
- Timothy J. Skoczen
- D. Ray Slaybaugh
- Jill Smith
- William "Pete" Smith
- William J. Snyder
- Kevin Soflkiancs
- Ryan Sooy
- Harold A. Speckman
- Gordon A. Splete
- Karen "Connie" Miller Stanek
- Virginia Stauffer Ogilvy
- James M. Stefanik
- Gary A. Stelter
- Myrta Stover
- Kim Stuart Kaminski
- Jerry Suess
- John M. Summa
- Mark Summers
- Joe Surniak
- Jennifer Swinehart Badertscher
- Dr. Bill Taraschke
- Lee Templeton
- John Terakedis
- Jessica Textoris
- Ted J. Theodore
- Gregory E. Thomas
- Dr. Carol Thompson
- Mary Thorton Monzingo
- Jim Tillotson
- Sandra Tom Cibulskas
- Alan D. Tonks
- Dave Tressel
- Dick Tressel
- Dr. Lee Tressel
- Eloise Schaefer Tressel
- Jim Tressel
- Mike Turchan
- James Tyree
- Richard Van Almen
- Larry K. Van Dusen
- Art Van Rensselaer
- Carlin Vandendriessche
- Steve Varga
- Joe Velky
- Marcia E. Vogley
- Jill Volgstadt Gallagher
- Mona Wade Carlo
- Ingrid Wagner
- Larsen Wagner
- Mac Walker
- Robert C. Walters
- George Wanner
- Karen Ward Rolland
- Ray E. Watts
- Wade H. Watts
- Jeff C. Welcsh
- Gay Wellington Geigel
- Harry Weltman
- James Westbrook
- Donna Wheeler
- Michelle White-Sheppard
- Dr. Arthur V. Wilker
- Mark William Tinney
- Jacqueline Willis Bell
- Jennifer Willis Davis
- Gwendolyn Willis Miller
- Lisa Winans
- Dr. Clarence J. Wing
- Natalie Winkelfoos
- Les Wojciechowski
- Julie Work
- Joan Worth Davidson
- Howard A. Wright
- Justine Wuagh Tinline
- Dr. John Yezerski
- Erik Young
- Rev. Oran Zaebst
Dr. James Currens
- Class Year:
- 1957
- Induction Year:
- 1978
- Sport(s):
- Football
Dr. James Currens '57 graduated from BW in 1957 and was inducted into the Alumni Athletic Association Hall of Fame in 1978.
He was known for being both an outstanding athlete before graduation and an outstanding teacher and administrator afterward. Dr. James Currens's contributions to Baldwin-Wallace were only equaled by the number honors that have preceded his induction to the Baldwin-Wallace Lettermen's Hall of Fame.
A fleet halfback during the fall, Jim was a Methodist All-America and the Lettermen's Outstanding Football Player of 1956. In the spring, he was an All-Ohio sprint champion, as well as a broad jumper and pole vaulter. For these accomplishments and others he was named the Outstanding Athlete of the Class in 1957.
His prowess in athletics was also matched in the classroom. Jim was elected to Omicron Delta Kappa honorary as well as Sigma Delta Psi, and the health and physical education honor society.
After graduation, Jim began teaching and coaching in the Medina City School system while also working on his masters degree from Kent State University, that he would earn in 1963. He continued as a teacher and coach in both the Berea and Strongsville school districts until 1969 where he took his current position at Baldwin-Wallace as a assistant professor and coordinator.
He is currently the vice-president of the Baldwin-Wallace Lettermen's Association and president of the Ohio Wrestling Coaches Association. He is also a member and past chairman of the Baldwin-Wallace Athletic Council and campus advisor for the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
Jim was named an Outstanding Educator of America in 1974, and he was awarded his doctoral degree in teacher education/administration from The Ohio State University.